Sunday, August 04, 2024

2024, July 29-August 4

We spent a lot of time watching the Paris 2024 Olympics, and we also got out to the Utah County Fair. 

We saw Murphy and her colt early in the week. The colt has since been moved to its own corral. 

On one of Mike and Eliza's rides, they saw these sandhill cranes. We could take lots of photos if we stopped instead of riding. 

Here is Hallie at Starbucks. Woot! Why does she look scared? Who knows? Maybe because all of the information she is learning is like a fire hose to the face.

Eliza had a couple of art-themed classes at BUH this week. She made a flower arrangement and a "painting" using gel and pigments. 

Eliza and Hallie went to the Orem farmers market on Wednesday. They found cute accessories for Kai. 

They saw a cute puppy that kind of looked like Kai. The girls want his head hair on Kai.

Mike took his and Eliza's entries to the Open Class at the Utah County Fair on Tuesday. Later in the week, after the entries were judged, he and Eliza went over to see how they did.

There are all sorts of entries in different categories. We will have to see if we can find/make items for next year's fair. 

Eliza earned two red ribbons for her beaded jewelry and painting and a blue ribbon for her "upcycled" horseshoe. She made all three items at BUH. 

Mike earned a third place for a painted rock, a second place for some digital art, and a first place for a framed paper snowflake. 

Here are some more images of items entered. One day we may get a best in show, but we're not holding our breaths. 

Being a fair, they did have some animals to judge and other events to see. We participated in a few other activities.

Eliza continues working on new beaded jewelry. 

Here's Kai with one of the ribbons he got earlier in the week. 

Later in the week, Eliza and Mike finally got around to taking pictures of the sunflowers along the railroad tracks. We don't know whether they're annuals or perennials, but they show up every summer regardless. Maybe the birds bring seeds over from Jakers. 

On Saturday, we had to pick up our fair entries, so Hallie, Mike, and Eliza went over in the heat. Landon opted to stay home. Hallie got another pic of Eliza's painting. We got some rain that started off as a relief, but then it just got (slightly less) hot and muggy. 

Here is Hallie and Kai watching the Olympics. Go USA! 

Hallie is easing back in to work at the high school. One day was spent organizing her new classroom. This next week is the opening institute for the district, and then things at the high school will slowly build up. Mike continues waiting for final word on a couple of provisional job offers. Things are moving very slowly on those fronts. 

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