Sunday, August 11, 2024

2024, August 5-11

We had another full week of Olympics, and Landon got his braces off. We cannot believe the last full week of summer is done and that school starts for the boy next week. 

Kai Kai Puppy continues to chill out. He appreciates people's company. 

Hallie got new nails, dandelions seeds being blown off a puff ball. 

(Some of us) spent many hours watching the Summer Games. The kids will be relieved to get the TV back and to get back to a normal entertainment schedule. 

Landon opted to finish wearing his braces this week. Here he is after having them removed. No, he does not want to show off his slick newly-unglued pearly whites. He had stayed up for several hours the night before building a pistol from LEGO bricks. He challenged Dad to make one too. 

Mike opted to build a ray gun.

We found out that Kai likes to drink from the hose. 

Some mornings are made for mate and watching the Olympians.

The kids helped out at Gma and Gpa M's on Friday while Mom and Dad were occupied with their work. 

On Saturday morning, Mike and Eliza went riding. We had a bit of a windstorm late Friday afternoon, and apparently it knocked down a couple of trees along the Hobble Creek trail we ride. 

Someone also recently sprayed some new street art on one of the barricades. 

Google also reminded us again of how much the girl has grown. 

Later in the day, Eliza and Hallie beat the heat with some shave ice down by Smith's after a stop-by for groceries. This is a small, and it looks close to the size of Eliza's head.

Someone on the internet posted several iconic photos from the Olympics. Paris did a great job, and we look forward to seeing more memorable moments in LA28. 

If you or your kids are going back to school next week, we wish you the best. May you make amazing memories this school year.

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