Sunday, August 25, 2024

2024, August 19-25

We're seeing signs of a transition in the weather with a feel of fall in the air. 

We got a sudden afternoon thunderstorm on Monday that made for some dramatic skies. 

On Tuesday we helped celebrate our neighbor Margarita's birthday. The boys took some time to join in before going back to gaming. 

This praying mantis graced our house later in the week. 

As Mike and Eliza went riding, she decided to do some tricks. Her actions reminded Mike of a photo he took of her several years ago. 

As it turns out, it was nine years ago almost to the day! 

The cat trap is working. Or maybe Fergus thought he was an orange. 

Eliza relished in the joy of being the chosen one.

We didn't really do a whole lot besides school and work. In past years, we have gone to the local Renaissance Fair. Mike had a work thing, and Landon mowed Gma and Gpa M's lawn, and we opted not to go. Coincidentally, Hallie received a reminder on Facebook about how the boy feels about this type of activity (he hates being hot or sweaty or bored): 

Maybe we will need to choose to go to this OR Payson Scottish Days next year, but not both. 😂

Hallie had to work Sunday, so Mike held the fort with the kids and tended the fire at the social. 

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