Sunday, August 18, 2024

2024, August 12-18

School's back in session, and the feel of fall is back in the air (at least occasionally). 

Eliza joined Mom and Dad walking Kai on Monday morning, and she said hi to the ponies over in the north field. 

Kai wanted to join in too. 

Eliza went barefoot, and she wanted to make sure we got a picture of her and Kai's wet footprints as they walked through the wet grass onto the dry sidewalk. 

We got word that Jack and Raunchy will be leaving the neighborhood and heading back to Moab. Eliza went over to say goodbye, and she also took some pics. Here are the ponies from her unique perspective. 

Landon started school on Wednesday. He so loves getting his picture taken. Nice 'do, dude!

We'll be taking Corbin (who recently transferred from Merit to SHS) with us. Woot!

As part of our preparations for next year's Japan trip, Hallie got a subscription from Sakuraco for goodies from the Land of the Rising Sun. This time we got treats from Okinawa! 

Eliza did painting at BUH. Here is her work. Fancy! 

Later in the day, we were treated to a beautiful sunset looking west from the north field. 

A little while back, Hallie met a new neighbor while both were out walking their dogs. She and her fiancé got married Thursday in Provo, and we had the privilege of joining them for the ceremony. 

This pretty bouquet came from the Wright Flower Company. 

Hallie continues to develop her barista skills. She was particularly proud of how this drink came out. 

Kai went to the groomer's on Friday. Now he's all neat and trim. 

Eliza wanted an extreme closeup of Fergus. 

We got some stormy weather over the weekend, including quite a bit of rain on Saturday. Sunday threatened rain, but it passed to the east and south of us. 


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