Sunday, July 28, 2024

2024, July 22-28

We continued with visits from family and friends and celebrated our pioneer ancestors and the Olympic Spirit. 

Sawyer came by on Monday while the adult women got facials. Eliza and Mike took her to see Jack and Raunchy. 

That afternoon/evening, Diamond, Eliza, and Hallie attended the Utah Days of '47 Rodeo while Caleb, Mike, and Landon held the fort at home. 

They had opportunities to see lots of displays and animals in pens. 

Later, they watched the rodeo itself. The moon looked so cool coming home, but of course the camera did not quite capture it.

Hallie saw this early morning rainbow on Tuesday as she took Diamond and Caleb to the airport. We were so glad to have them here with us this past week and will miss them! Hallie was very tired after having stayed up late at the rodeo. 

It was also her first day at her new job at Starbucks inside the local Smith's Marketplace. It was a bit overwhelming, but she did great. 

Fergus decided to join Mike and Miguel at their tutoring session. He seems comfortable lying down anywhere. 

Pioneer Day Wednesday dawned bright and warm. 

Fergus loves the heat (or at least prefers it to the relatively cooler house), apparently. 

Kai likes playing outside, but the heat is harder on him. He'll play enthusiastically for a while before getting overheated and needing a break. 

At noon Hallie and Eliza joined Carly, Breanne, and their girls at the Provo Rec Center. On the way home Hallie and the girls stopped in Sam's Club. 

The girls enjoyed playing water games with each other and the dogs. 

On our way over, the mom of one of Hallie's preschoolers said she had a couple of extra tickets for the Spanish Fork Fiesta Days Rodeo, so Hallie went and invited Sawyer along.  

The rest of us ate s'mores and watched the fireworks. 

Landon entertained us with his light saber. 

Uncle Shad even went as far as to get out his camera and get the rest of us involved in the light work for photos (which we hope to see soon). 

Sawyer had a blast and got goodies in addition to the show. 

Plus she had a better view of the pyrotechnics. 

We had rain on Thursday morning, and that cleaned the air and lowered the temperature a bit. 

On Friday, we started watching the Summer Olympics on TV. Mike and Hallie are really into it. The kids humor us. 

In the evening, Julie came to visit, and the ladies Hallie has gone out with all got together for a photo. 

We stayed in bed longer than usual time on Saturday morning. We watched the Olympics from bed before getting on with the day. Fergus and Kai were happy to sleep, and maybe that contributed to the vibe. Hallie thinks standing up as long as she has at Starbucks may have contributed to a bit of her sleepiness.  

Later in the day, we joined Riley, Breanne, and their kids for dessert at Roll Up Crepes in Spanish Fork. We also got some photos of the grown-ups. 

We also managed to catch Eliza climbing a light post. This is her on her way down. 

Sunday morning dawned bright, and we spent most of it watching yet more Olympics (well, at least the grown-ups). That Peacock channel/app on the TV may be a problem. This is not the first time we have experienced Olympics overload over the years. Good thing they only happen every couple of years or so. The kids keep themselves entertained and occasionally stop to watch the events. 

We took a break from watching the athletes to get some activity in before the Sunday social, and we spent time talking to Gma, Gpa O, and Alie. It is always fun catching up.

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