Thursday, November 11, 2010

K is for Kindness

How do you approach a couple who is facing infertility or a child who is adopted? With kindness, of course! This would seem like common sense, but we have found that well-meaning people have made some pretty insensitive remarks to or about us or Landon and to our friends who have adopted and to their children. Adoption is a sensitive issue, and many adoptive couples and children grieve about a life they might have had if everything were "normal." It isn't, and we're never going to fix that. We live with that reality every day.

The kind acts of our friends and family who wholeheartedly embrace our decisions regarding adoption and (most importantly) show our little boy how much they love, respect, and accept him as OUR son--as THEIR kin--do more good than any words could say. Families who adopt and children who are adopted need to know that they belong as full members of their extended families and friendship networks, and you can give them that reassurance by kindly treating them as your own. We are so grateful for our family and friends for their kindness to us, our son, and anyone who belongs to the adoption triad.


DisabilityDiva said...

Love your posts on adoption you are taking the challenge well!!!! LOVE YOU!!

Lila said...

this is a challenge for me this week as a good friend said (knowing that cora tested positive for meth at birth but has been healthy every second of her life by the grace of a great God!), after babysitting our angel baby... "if this is what all meth babies are like, I want one"... RRRRR!!!!!!!!!! so, I would like you to come to Nashville to give a sensativity seminar please. ;) lol.