Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mid-Winter Break

Landon and Eliza had the week off from school. We did go up to Landon’s school because we had a parent-teacher conference for Landon at Sunny Days. He has made great progress over the past several months:
September assessment: Not too shabby

February assessment: He's learning things! 

He explained that this is a picture of him as a robot. Very cool.

Someone likes s'mores by the campfire! 

Updated wall of fame
 Eliza seems to be heading in the same direction as her brother academically. She has really caught on to speaking and technology, apparently:
Eliza the multitasker: Yogurt in one hand, iPad in the other.  

Later in the afternoon, Hallie worked at the Neighborhood Club gym. Mike took the kids over and shot hoops with them. Landon experienced his first jammed finger (or was it bent back? We’re not sure); we’re just glad he didn’t break it.

The kids went to their first yoga class at the library down the block on Tuesday. Om. They liked it a lot. 

After gymnastics on Wednesday Hallie and the kids headed over to Dee and Elizabeth’s house to play. They were there a long time and the kids had separating anxiety upon leaving. Dee sent Hallie home with an amazing amount of clothes for Eliza. Eliza, is truly a little diva when it comes to clothes.
Hallie was carrying on Friday afternoon about all the great hand-me-downs we got from our friend Dee. "Eliza's sweater has horses!" Two very happy people in our home today. Well, three if you count the boy with the indoor swing there in the background. Yes, we have an indoor swing. And an indoor trampoline. And several inches of snow (outside). The kids better be happy.

Since Dee has had the kids over to her house twice, we thought it was about time to invite them over. The kids had the run of the house while the moms chatted. Elizabeth loved the fact that Landon had a swing in the house. We promised her she could come again so she could have more time to swing. Since they own a boat I am sure we can work out a fair trade. Sick Mike attempted to work from his corner office (corner of the master bedroom dresser, that is). Working from home has its perks in that he taught class online from home this week.   

When Hallie headed to work on Friday at 4:30 AM there was no snow. By the time the rest of the family woke up, it had snowed at least a couple of inches. Mike had to take the kids out driving in it (less by choice than by necessity), and the snow and ice tested his winter driving skills. Everyone made it home fine, and the kids got to spend some play time in the snow. Hallie took the kids to Landon’s basketball practice in the evening. Eliza is a big hit with the moms and the older kids who have to wait for the younger ones to finish practice.

Then came Saturday. Somehow this week Mike’s body decided that it was time to rebel. It took a couple more days early in the week to get over the flu early in the week, and then on Saturday he developed a sudden migraine shortly after waking up. Mike has only started experiencing migraines in the last couple of years, so he’s still learning the warning signs. On Saturday, it was an unusual sensitivity to the bright morning light. Hallie graciously took on the unexpected responsibility to take both kids to Landon’s basketball game (remember she has the nickname little tornado for a reason) and on errands while Mike curled up in a ball in bed. One of the errands Hallie took the kids with her on was to get the car appraised to see how much a dealership would give her to sell them the van. Unfortunately, it was a big waste of their time. This learning how to sell a used car is all a big learning experience for Hallie, and she appreciates getting to how this process works.

When Hallie and the kids finally got home, they played a new game Landon invented. He decided it would be fun to make his white socks into balls and have snowball fights with Hallie. They had a blast, and at one point Hallie and Eliza almost fell off the bed. Mike had no idea what was happening, just that laughing and pure joy was coming from Landon’s room. What a beautiful sound!

The two kids have been getting along great lately. Eliza is Landon’s little shadow. We made her crib into a toddler bed today, and it was fun to watch them both lay on the bed with covers on and then get up to chase each other and then hop back into the bed. Whatever tricks Landon does on the trampoline in his room, the same goes for Eliza. He even got her to repeat the words, “Hop on!” over and over as he tried to get her to ride on his back while he was on all fours. Every time she fell off, she landed laughing. We are so blessed to have two of the most amazing children. One of Landon’s favorite sayings to Hallie most nights before bed is, “I love you more than you will ever know.” As she checks on him when she goes to bed, she repeats the same thing to him and kisses him good night.

Both kids start swim lessons this week, thanks to Grandma and Grandpa O., at the Neighborhood Club where Hallie works. We can’t wait to see the progress they will make over the next four weeks. Eliza will be sporting the new swimsuit and cover up Grandma and Grandpa M. got her for her birthday. Look for a picture to follow next week. Baseball signups happened this last week as well. From what Hallie has been able to gather, baseball is a serious sport here in the Pointes. We look forward to see what this new adventure and season holds for our family.

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