(Look at those curls!). Now, of course, he's so much more grown up and independent. The weather sort of cooperated with us, and we picked apples and pie pumpkins after a hay ride out to the orchard. The gentleman who drove our group out there explained that Blake Farms started the "U-Pick" concept and remains the only orchard where you can drive your car in and pick the amount you want to buy (rather than having to be driven in and buying a peck bag in advance). He also noted that the farm actually does more business in "farm entertainment" than either retail or commercial sales. School field trips form a good part of this farm's and others' revenue for the year, and with school budgets cutting back as they are, the farms are feeling the pinch. So, if you can, find a cider mill, orchard, or corn maze in your area and help a local farmer out! If you're like us, you'll get fresh cider and donuts out of the deal. Mmmm! Cider and donuts.
"Sweet, sweet yumminess. Now I have energy to burn! Good luck getting me to take a nap now."
After our excursion to the orchard, we stopped over for lunch of beef pot pie, Polish gumbo, and Italian wedding soup at Achatz (rhymes with "jackets") Pies. No fruit pie today (we bought a yummy dutch apple pie from them last week in New Baltimore), but we've found new culinary gold.
We love fresh apple cider and doughnuts especially from Darby Apple, yum…..
That sounds like so much fun! Landon has grown up so fast.
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