Sunday, February 22, 2009

Remedy for a Classic Dilemma

In our branch, we have several moms with kids in diapers. Some use cloth, and some use disposables. Sure, disposables are convenient, but they take up so much space in the landfills. Fortunately, there appears to be a solution for the dilemma of cloth vs. disposables:

(Ah, hulu! Just the thing for that occasional TV fix.)


The Kalcichs said...

Where can I get some? That's hilarious, Hallie!

Stephanie said...

Do you care if I post this one? I about cried from laughter!!!

carly said...

that is so disgusting....have you heard of g diapers? look at leah matthews blog on mine. she talks about them.

Diamond Evans said...

That is so funny. I wonder who came up with that.