Thursday, June 26, 2008

Once Called Bob's Big Boy

He must have loved Bob, the smiles were non stop.

For some reason I thought Big Boy had disappeared until we got to Michigan and Big Boy has reappeared. In Michigan they actually say it's a "Michigan Thing". So our "nephew" Josh told me how good their Patty Melts are and said I had to try them. So "Auntie" Jayne, Josh, Landon, and I went to Big Boy while Mike worked, hee hee hee. We had a ton of fun and Landon made a great big mess. But all who sat around him were understanding and loved chatting with him. That makes what can be a stressful event a lot of fun. I love hanging out with these two as it makes being loud be okay. Yeah!
Earlier in the day we took Mike to work at Wayne State. Today was the first day of the summer semester. Mike has been working so hard lately, I am very proud of him. We spent a little over an hour visiting all of the fun people in the education building. Landon had a great temperament while we were there and he always has the smiles for the ladies. The sweet ladies give him all the sugar a boy should ever receive. I have posted pictures from our fun day. As I am writing this it is 9pm and I can hear Landon on the baby monitor cracking himself up in his crib. What a character. As of today he has four teeth. Once one comes in they never stop.

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