Sunday, September 08, 2024

2024, September 2-8

Here we are in the last third of the year already. We partook in beauty both natural and man-made. 

Sunflowers continue to bloom, although we do see them starting to fade even as new blooms arise. 

Eliza caught a double rainbow on her bike ride in the afternoon. 

Eliza started her new school year at Yates Place (she's been doing online for a couple of weeks). We finally took the kids' first day of school pic on Tuesday.

Hallie got fall-themed nail art this week too.

Kai went back to Brittany for a few days, so Fergus once again has full control of the house. He's thrilled. 

On Tuesday, Hallie started back at the high school for the school year. Friday morning Hallie helped with the Open House for the cute kids and their parents. She enjoyed getting to know some of the new high school students as well. The preschoolers will officially start on Tuesday and another year will begin.

Friday and Saturday, we had the Springville Art Festival. While Hallie and Landon went to mow Gma and Gpa M's lawn, Mike and Eliza went to see the different exhibits and activities down by the library and civic center, which included sidewalk chalk art, other visual art, dance and performing arts, music, culinary arts (AKA food trucks), and art activities for the kids. 

This couple danced and other musicians performed in the new pavilion/gazebo. 

Several vendors showed off their paintings, sculptures, photographs, and other art for sale. 

We saw this "free box" but did not open it to see what was inside. 

The city put up this street art wall, and we added a couple of images of our own (which likely got painted over as the day went on).

Mike made this pipe cleaner bee. 

Eliza found this cowboy-themed button she liked. 

She also tried chicken curry, which she liked in spite of it being at a price she didn't.

The bee became a cat toy once we got home. 

Hallie worked at Starbucks a couple of nights and on Sunday morning this week. Mike and Eliza went to visit her while Landon slept in. Then they took a ride down south of Smith's. Developers have a lot of new home construction going on down there, and large sunflower patches grow in the spots that have had ground turned over but have not yet been built on. 

Later in the day, our neighbor Kohar invited Eliza to accompany her and her kids to Lagoon. The Frightmares theme has started in time for fall. 

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