Sunday, June 02, 2024

2024, May 27-June 2

We have gotten into summer, which means lots of time outdoors. 

Here is happy Kai. We have him for a little bit longer than usual. 

Landon and Eliza got new sparring gear to use at taekwondo. Eliza holds her own when Landon doesn't hold back. 

We have had some interesting weather this weak. While the kids were sparring, Mike caught the rain coming in. 

Eliza was amused by Ferg's feet as she was sitting with him. 

We had a couple of good days for kite flying. 

More sparring. 

More sleeping cat. 

Mike spent most of the week up in Salt Lake working for the College Board as people came from across the country to grade the AP Exams at the Salt Palace. He's part of a task force investigating AI use and plagiarism on the essay portions of the AP Seminar and Research courses. The "special ops" assignment (as his employers call it) has been quite interesting and challenging. They're on the cutting edge of intervening on plagiarism in an age where ChatGPT and other AI tools are blurring the line between original research and fabrication. He took the UTA FrontRunner on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (the job runs 8 days straight through next week) and got this picture of the new Utah flag outside the Delta Center.

Our friend Amanda went to Disneyland this week and asked if we'd be willing to look after Frankie again. We did not anticipate having both dogs at the same time, but it's working out. They boys seem to get along. 

Hallie got a haircut on Saturday. She ended up getting held up in traffic following the marathon held in Provo. 

Aww! Cute puppy. 

Rather than having Mike drive to the Provo FrontRunner station on the days he took the train, Hallie (and sometimes a companion or three) took him there and back and ran some errands in the meantime.  

While walking the dogs in the morning, we noticed these dramatic mammatus clouds over to the west. We did not get rain, but it did fall elsewhere. 

Mike's work continued through the weekend. He's not kidding about being in "Special Ops" lol. 

Here is an interesting art installation at the Salt Palace. 

More dog pics. Hallie loves having the dogs, but they do make it harder to sleep at night. 

We had our Sunday Social out front. The shade makes a lot of difference! Here our neighbor Lisa, a nurse, is fixing Eliza's wounded pinky. 

Lisa said she had seen some owls on her walks. Sure enough, she saw three this evening. Also, the thistles are now starting to bloom. 

There are three owls in this picture. Hint: Look in the middle for two of them. 

We had a fire pit with s'mores and hot dogs, The weather and company were perfect!  Smile, E!


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