Sunday, May 26, 2024

2024, May 20-26

We head into Memorial Day weekend with both kids out of school and the parents done too. 

On Monday, the deer came down to feed in a field near the high school. Hallie was excited that Eliza wasn't with her so she could take a picture. 

On his walk, Mike finally got a picture of the non-Fergus orange cat in the neighborhood north of ours. This old feller has seen better days. 

Kai came back early in the week, much to everyone's delight. 

Eliza really likes to get pictures taken of herself with Fergus. Fergus puts up with a lot from her sometimes.

Mike finished his guest teacher assignments for the school year on Wednesday, and Landon finished sophomore year on Thursday with a half day. School's officially out for summer! 

The weather was pretty good for kite flying, so Mike got his out. Unfortunately, a rogue gust got the tail/wind sock caught on the second story gutter. We tried to get it down from below but had to resort to cutting off the tail. 

Fortunately, the kite still flew fine.

Later in the day, Mike was able to get the tail down from the roof and reattached. All's well that ends well!

Eliza enjoyed a riding lesson at BUH on Friday. Hallie was able to catch Eliza warming up the horse before her lesson.

Eliza and Hallie took Kai to a local dog park with our friend Amanda and her dog Frankie. Eliza was able to get smart Kai to run through an agility course there. 

Now that school is out and the weather is warmer, Eliza wants to go camping in the tent out front. Thing is, we've had some stormy weather leading into the weekend. We thought about doing it Thursday night, but we got some light rain in the evening, so Mike postponed it. Good thing too, because the sprinklers went off in the wee hours. Then Friday going into Saturday, we got a lot of rain. So, Mike and Eliza made a fort in the living room with chairs and a sheet and her mattress. 

Hallie and Eliza went to a horse show at Eliza's old stable, Creekside on Saturday. 

Eliza enjoyed having the mattress in the living room. She got to lounge while watching TV. Here's something Mike found funny and a bit ridiculous: She had to turn her head to watch this video shot in landscape mode.

Sunday dawned sunny and delightful. We have a number of wild animals in the neighboring fields. On his walk, Mike met up with this lone quail calling out for the rest of its covey before it flew off. 

He got a nice view of Timpanogos and Buckley Mountain with furrowed fields in the foreground. 

Later in the day, we had our Sunday social in the front yard rather than in the alley. Going out front has the advantage of the view, the shade from the trees, and the playground all close at hand. 

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