Sunday, October 01, 2023

2023, September 25-October 1

Landon went to a dance, and the rest of us experienced the fall colors.

On Monday, the boy found one of his old shirts while doing laundry. Funny that he can still squeeze into a child's size shirt when he can also wear a men's shirt.

Fergie got lap time with Mom. Hallie liked how his paw rested on her leg.

In honor of Homecoming week at the high school, classes decorated their doors. Here's the door of the preschool. 

Hallie wanted to get a picture of the boys walking. Fergus likes to follow us on Kai's walks. 

As he arrived at his work, Mike saw this random zucchini in the parking lot. It was undamaged and all by itself. If someone dropped it, it should have been noticed! 

Eliza sewed this potholder at some point at BUH, but she didn't like how it came out, so she hid it. Mike found it while helping her clean her room. 

Kai enjoys hanging out with us on the cool early fall evenings. He tries to get whoever will do it to play ball with him. On this day, the next door neighbor was babysitting another neighbor. Kai is so great with kids that everyone wants to throw the ball with him.

We had a full moon this week. Here's the view of it Friday morning. As Hallie was taking Landon to school she noted the look of the moon. Eliza humors Hallie with her looks at nature a bit more than Landon. 

Kai is such a love. Our friend Priscilla is in Chile and Kai posed for a picture for Hallie to send to her.

We have one neighbor's lawn that has this ground cover instead of grass. Hallie says that is what happens when you don't mow it very often.

Landon and a group of friends went to the homecoming dance Saturday night. 

He slept in on Sunday morning and didn't join the rest of us for a drive up Provo Canyon to Midway and brunch at Hidden Peak Provisions

We shared three tasty dishes. One was a variation on Eggs Benedict, another was a large breakfast sandwich, and the third was a sweet French toast. Hallie was giddy to be back at this deli that she had been to once before. The owner even remembered her from the spring. That is good customer service in Hallie's book.

We also stopped by this little shop that had some Halloween-themed decor up. Hallie and Eliza loved the things for sale inside, but they only did window shopping this trip.

On the way back, we got caught in a long delay caused by a traffic accident. Later we found out that one of the drivers had died on the scene. 

We saw this pink chrome car at Dutch Bros. Hallie sent Landon this pic suggesting he might like to drive it, ha ha.

We came home to Landon telling us that he accidentally sat on his phone and broke it. Poor kid! Fortunately, Gpa M. had his old one that he sold to the boy. It's almost as if he never lost it. Kind of. Maybe we should have let him sweat it for a few days. 

We went up to Gma and Gpa M.'s to celebrate Gma's birthday. Thirty-five pounds of dog rode on Eliza's lap the 20 or so minutes to their house. Kai loves to have his head out the window as much as he can. In the field behind their house there were quite a few deer. The binoculars were close by and aided Hallie in getting a better view of the deer.

Hallie had a small procedure done on Wednesday afternoon and then was told she couldn't go to work for two days. She was sad to have missed so much work as she loves her job. It is hard to keep a mom down, but Hallie tried to rest as much as possible. Mike helped where he could, and he and Eliza bought flowers. We have great neighbors who even walked Kai one afternoon for us. Hallie can't wait to return to work on Tuesday.

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