Sunday, October 08, 2023

2023, October 2-8

The month started with the return of Kai.

Here is the happy puppy back with the happy mama. 

We got some rain and the first snow on the mountains of the season. 

Ferg gave us an "I just woke up" blep.

Hallie donated some books to the pre-school, and Mrs. Kelly has been using them in class. Yay for new life to old things loved. Here Mrs. Kelly is reading to the high school students about technology use in the preschool. 

The zucchini Mike moved from the parking lot last week remained in place at the start of this week. The day after he took this picture, though, it was gone. 

We got some rainbows mid-week in the afternoon. After a crazy stressful morning Hallie hoped that seeing this rainbow could only be the start of a better day.

Landon attended a high school choir concert with his girlfriend, and Mom chaperoned. She also saw a familiar face from our stake in Michigan. Their family has also moved out to Utah, they were watching a granddaughter perform. 

Eliza has a bit of a bad habit of not finishing things she starts. Case in point, Mike found these leftover strawberries and blanket from the night prior the next morning. 

Hallie took some pictures of the science lesson at preschool. 

On the way to picking up the girls from Yates Place, Hallie took Kai to Dutch Bros for a pup cup. It was so funny when he got the cup stuck on his nose.

At TKD, E held her own against one of the bigger boys, who lit into her leg with his heel. She got a pretty big contusion, so we are looking after it. 

Isn't Hallie so precious in this hat?! Thanks for letting me wear your cute hat! It belonged to a preschooler.

Mike is doing paperwork to transfer his teaching license from California to Utah. Part of the application includes an ethics portion. On his first run-through of the ethics piece, he got this question marked wrong, but he thinks the test is wrong. He has taken a few assessments for other employment opportunities that seem to provide fishy or inaccurate information. Anyway. Such is the current job search environment. 

While waiting to pick Landon up from TKD, Mike stopped in at the new Spansih Fork library. It's nice and spacious and has a giant Eric Dowdle mural in the central corridor. Springville needs its own something like this. 

As he and Landon left TKD, Mike saw this amusing car window decal and sent the picture to Hallie. 

A little while later, Hallie sent him this picture as she dropped E off at Guide 'N' Gallop. Turns out that one of the kids who goes to Landon's TKD time also has riding lessons afterwards at GNG. 

Here is the view of the hills from the high school, where Hallie worked the football game and Landon watched it. 

E's leg was looking better by Saturday. Yes, this is better. 

Hallie took this image. It will be a praying mantis. 

On Saturday, Landon invited Dad to join him at the Clyde Rec Center. They worked on legs. Mike's legs hurt too soon. So much for all that walking and bike riding. 

Our neighbor Priscila came back from Chile last night, and as we were walking the dog, their family saw us, and she brought Hallie back this cute cup from Starbucks to add to Hallie's collection.  

Hallie baked tasty nachos using chicken from our Beehive Meals and lots of other goodies. 

She also got the ingredients together to make Halloween-themed s’mores in wee pie tins. Cute and delicious!

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