Sunday, June 26, 2022

2022, June 20-26

Hard to believe we're a month into summer vacation. Landon's gotten more busy with his new job, so Eliza is the only one without work to do except for on the days she thinks she is helping at summer camp at USAGW American Fork.

We have some ponies in the neighborhood. Sometimes they venture to the pasture near the school. We don't know if we can count how many times Eliza has gone into the pasture with the horses. Eliza is fearless.

This was a good week for catching flowers before the heat comes in and takes them away. Mike often takes a walk while Eliza is at her reading class. He caught a few new ones. 

Landon had gym off this week, so that meant he had more time for work. Eliza continues to hone her riding skills. 

At Creekside, there is a flower bed as well.  

When we got home, we looked outside and saw a bright sunset filling the sky. Hallie saw this giant puff ball. 

Here are some of the painted skies we saw.

  Diamond and Caleb's Father's Day gift to Mike came a couple of days into the week. Very cool! 

We had some tasty Every Plate meals. Landon didn't like the rice though because it had onion and garlic in it. It was so fun watching him pick our the onion and garlic from the rice. 

Another night at Creekside, and another chance to see the flowers and the bees at work. 

(And Eliza riding too!) Eliza worked on her gallop, and in video it is so cool to see her in control of Echo.

As the thistles begin to mature and die, small birds are taking the fluff for their nests. 

Mike caught a couple at work here, but he couldn't get close enough to get a good shot. 

Even the clover is in bloom . . . 

. . . along with our neighbor's pots. 

Eliza caught another (smaller) goldfish/carp (Google photos said Koi) at the farmer's stream. It is quite a pretty fish, and we considered keeping it (overnight) before setting it free again. Hallie wasn't a fan of having it in the bucket on our kitchen table and seeing the poop accumulate while she ate.

Caught Fergus blepping. 

Mike submitted a couple of designs for the new Utah flag competition, and one of his local heraldry friends caught a newscast about the next stage of the competition. To his surprise, he saw his flags among those on display!  

No single design is going to win. Rather, a panel will create three final designs that incorporate common themes. Lots of beehives, sego lilies, and mountains. Mike hopes we get a few original flourishes in like unique colors (for instance, red-rock red and turquoise) 

(Disregard the arrow. His are in the center, second and third from the top)

Landon showed off his artistic chops, drawing this chad while at work. 

Hallie got some stickers for work. Mike "borrowed" a couple to finish filling in his laptop. 

Fergus is getting to be an equal-opportunity napper. 

On his Saturday walk, Mike caught the ponies and thistle yet again. We had relatively mild weather this week. Next week looks to sizzle. 

While cleaning the bathroom and mudroom, Landon did an accidental magic trick, making this broom stand upright. 

While he was at work, the rest of us helped out at USAGW American Fork and then went to the last day of the Parade of Homes. We got shave ice at Hokulia. Tasty! Hallie didn't think through how it would go driving and having a shave ice as big as her head. Some of it ended up on the gear shifter and the other parts ended up in a cup in the gym's freezer.

Eliza also gets her artistic vibe on at therapy. Here's her work from this week. 

Even the prickly pears are blooming. Mike was a little too early to catch the full blooms, but he'll be back. 

Eliza is an infamous card shark in our home. However, Hallie must have figured out Eliza's tricks, because she won at Uno three times tonight! Eliza was a good sport with all of Hallie's winning. 

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