Sunday, April 03, 2022

2022, March 28-April 3

Here we go again. March went out like a lamb, and we partook in some favorite springtime activities. 

We put our now-varnished pysanky out as part of our Easter décor. Eliza got out a bin so we could enjoy even more holiday cheer.

Eliza wove Fergus a new collar. He loves to sleep all day and didn't seem to mind the indignity as long as she was willing to be a warm lap for his naps. 

Careful there, tiger! You wouldn't want to accidentally slide off the couch now, eh? 

Hallie tolerated Eliza giving her a new 'do. Again! Maybe with all of this practice it will one day pay off.

Mike attended a mentored research conference at BYU with some of his doctoral students. They're working on some pretty interesting projects! 

Eliza is back to her regular riding schedule. 

Sometimes she has a hard time, so sometimes we have to document things. Nothing like a bit of drama before everyone has to leave for school and work.

The flowering bushes and trees are now starting to bloom on campus. Mike and Eliza caught some views on their way up to school on Thursday. 

Additionally, the daffodils are fully in bloom, and the tulips will start in shortly. 

Ride 'em, girly! Thursday was a great riding for Eliza and Juneau. Trainer Sara repeatedly said how great they were both doing during the whole lesson.

This horse is Winston, and it is her trainer's daughter's horse. This horse is hilarious! He loves to be scratched like a dog and will almost lie down while you scratch him.

Landon and Hallie had a bite to eat after a doctors appointment Friday. Get a haircut, kid! He ordered two slices of avocado toast and by the end said, "I think I ate too much avocados."

Ah, much better! We tried out a new barber, the Broken Barber Shop near Landon's gym. 

Both boys looked sharp! 

Saturday afternoon proved perfect for kite flying. Eliza and Mike got theirs up, and another little boy joined them after seeing theirs in flight. Here's to more breezy days to come! 

Sadly, Eliza's friend Jordan is moving out of the neighborhood. We've had several of Eliza's friends come and go since moving here nearly five years ago. Strange to feel like we're among the more permanent families. We're sad to see Jordan and her family go, and we wish them well. 

Fergus decided to show off his athletic skills by climbing a tree (we think Jack Jack the dog may have somehow been involved. That or birds in a nest). Considering he's just shy of nine years old, he's still quite spry. Must be all that rest he's otherwise getting. 

We ended the week with a fire in the fire pit with Landon's friend Corbin. Our campfire humor was (mostly) family-appropriate. Landon has a quick wit and a grown-up's sensibilities. Dangerous (but funny) combo. . . .

Eliza was happy to have a fire and s'mores. 

Hallie's brother Bryce's wife Elise is having her brain operated on this coming Tuesday. We are going to be wearing blue as it is her favorite color. We pray for Elise and the doctors who will be skillfully performing surgery on her. We pray for her family, especially Bryce and her four darling children. Below is Elise (on the right) with her mom. Elise got a spiffy new haircut before the big day. Hallie's parents went to spend time with their kids and to help around the house. Being far away is hard. Hallie wishes she could do more as we all send them our love.

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