Sunday, April 10, 2022

2022, April 4-10

Here we go again. We had spring break, which for us meant spring cleaning. "Or at least an attempt to spring clean," said Hallie.

On Tuesday, We wore blue for Elise and her brain surgery. Elise was in surgery for close to nine hours, and it was a very tense time for everyone. Elise seems to be recovering well, and we are feeling optimistic. Unfortunately, the night before surgery the doctors did another MRI and found a third tumor, this time in a different spot. This coming Tuesday the Maygren Family will be part of a Zoom call which will inform them of what they found and what is to come. 

Mike hates this picture and doesn't get how this was the one that turned out. Oh, well. All in the name of supporting family. Hallie was taking all the pictures that she never got a picture of herself dressed in blue.

Eliza enjoyed riding lessons in warmer weather. It didn't hurt that Juno and Eliza both wore blue.

Hallie decided to rearrange the food and other items in the pantry on Thursday. By the end of the day, she and Alicia accomplished quite a bit! The first picture is not even all of the junk that came from our not very big pantry. What was Hallie thinking? Probably that we needed to get rid of stuff. Too bad we didn't have a true before picture. 

Eliza got more riding time outdoors. Some of Hallie's favorite time is watching Eliza riding outdoors, and it is fun to watch Eliza and Juno train each other.  

Landon started coming down with flu-like symptoms Thursday afternoon. He slept for most of Friday, and Hallie took him to get tested Saturday. He has the flu (influenza A), and now we hope the rest of us don't catch it. He's not thrilled to have to wear a(n Incredible Hulk) facemask, but we don't want his (eww, eww, eww) diseases. Eliza finally got an appointment to have her esophagus and stomach scoped this coming Tuesday, and we can't risk having to reschedule her appointment.

Hallie took Eliza and Ember out on Saturday while Mike taught and Landon rested. The Riverwoods had some fun Easter cut outs and a mural.

Fergus has a friend in Eliza. 

Michael's does art classes, and the girls went painting! Aren't their llamas adorable?! Eliza and Hallie were the only ones that were in attendance for the hour or so that they were there, and the ladies that ran it in Draper were very kind. Hallie hadn't planned on painting, but the ladies kept insisting, and the girls had a lot of fun! Mike and Hallie have tried to create a date time with both kids every weekend. Free and time together is a win-win.

Here's a more completely finished pantry. Spring cleaning achievement unlocked! 


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