Sunday, January 30, 2022

2022, January 24-30

We had a girl who walked the halls by night and a boy who broke a bone in his hand. And so it goes. 

Sometimes after a night of sneaking downstairs for a snack or TV, Eliza will wander into Mom and Dad's room and then fall asleep. It's a bit of a challenge the next day to get her going for school. 

We caught a bleppy Fergus, again. 

And again! 

Hallie's new earring started giving her problems over the weekend which got worse into the week. Heat, pain killers, and antibiotics helped things improve. 

Mike's teaching a couple of qualitative methods classes this semester. He hit on the idea of having students study his office to see what they could learn about the individual using it based on the stuff in it. So, what kind of person is Dr. Owens anyway? 

Later on Wednesday, Mike took Landon to the doctor to get his hand cast fitted. It's quite the process! 

Hallie and Eliza went to a fancy new ice cream shop in Spanish Fork before riding. 

The meals kept coming on Friday as the girls went to a crepe store on the way home from Eliza's therapy appointment. 

Ferg endlessly fascinates us, even with simple things like cleaning hi. 


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