Sunday, January 02, 2022

2021, December 27 - 2022, January 2

We ended 2021 and started 2022 (or is it 2020, too?). It seems like 2020 is the year that never ended, and we hope for better things in the new year. 

Fergus still seems happy that we're back. 

We bought these special candy canes on our last day at Disneyland. Apparently they're kind of a big deal and a "time honored tradition." We still haven't indulged. They're so pretty!

On Monday, Mike put together his old timey truck. 

We also got more of the snow we missed on Christmas Day. 

Landon is amused by his new flashlight. He is a teenage boy. Can you tell?

Hallie got a CPAP machine to help her sleep better. Hopefully it works this time. She can hardly speak when she's using it, and it monitors how long she uses it each night. 

Landon had gymnastics practice in the mornings this week. Hallie also got to visit practice, which she has missed doing with her new job. As an added bonus, she got to see Lily and her new brother! 

This was her view from the hospital where she went for a doctor's visit Thursday. Brrr! Yet beautiful. 

The girls got to see Sarah and her kids again in the afternoon for a movie and shave ice. 

We celebrated Grandpa's birthday with German chocolate cake. 

Snow started again not long after they went home. 

Fergus is not amused. We think he doesn't like the snow. 

Friday morning, Hallie broke out the new waffle iron which we got from her favorite store, ALDI in California (Thanks, Granny O., for getting it and holding on to it for us!). 

It flips over and cooks on both sides. Very efficient, and very tasty!

Several inches of snow fell overnight. Some drivers forgot to clear off their tops.  

We stayed up past midnight celebrating the new year. Some of our neighbors really go all out well past midnight.

We woke to bitter cold and flurries New Year's Day. We had temperatures in the teens and twenties over the weekend. 

All this snow has led to some beautiful sights around the neighborhood. Look at the fluffy ponies and frosted trees! 

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