Sunday, November 28, 2021

2021, November 22-28

We enjoyed a low-key Thanksgiving week with generally sunny (if brisk) weather and time spent in preparation for the holidays. 

Eliza and Landon had two days of school this week, but it didn't amount to a whole lot. Eliza reiterated to Dad that she has no desire to go back to doing school the old way. We may not be able to accommodate that wish, but we'll do what we can while we can. Fergus has gotten used to having snuggle buddies at home, and he may be in for a shock (or not. He is a cat after all) if we ever get back to us being out of the house most of the day. 

For one of her assignments, Eliza had to disguise a turkey. It was done electronically, and that really didn't satisfy her creative urge, so she went to one of her favorite channels, Art for Kids Hub on YouTube. 

The adults have been donating plasma for a couple of months now, but Hallie had a negative experience on Tuesday that left her bruised and discouraged. This is her arm after they did some digging in her arm for a good vein. On Saturday, she got told she needs to hold off for a couple of months and to start doing bicep curls so she could get more accessible veins. Uff.  

No school for anyone on Wednesday through Friday meant that the parents got to see things they don't always get to. In the morning, Hallie watched and filmed Landon at gym for the first time in quite a while. 

In the afternoon, Mike got to take Eliza to her riding lesson. He took pics of her preparation to ride process along with her lesson itself. 

(and the sunset too)

Hallie bought some sugar cookies for decorating a little while back, and the kids spent a little of their Thanksgiving painting them. 

And eating them. 

In the evening, Eliza got it into her head to curl Mom's hair. Mom indulged her. 

On Friday, Mom and Eliza ran a few errands and did some shopping while Dad made the downstairs festive and Landon played video games with the neighbors. 

Coming home from running an errand for Hallie, Mike caught another sunset in progress. Just because of hazy clouds all around, this sunset turned the whole sky pink from horizon to horizon for a little bit. Photos don't do it justice. 

Our neighbor Lincoln helped put ornaments on the tree. Thanks, Dude! 

The tree is a perfect size for the space, although 20-some years' worth of ornaments do weigh down those boughs. Ah, memories! 

We didn't do a whole lot Saturday. Well, most of us. Hallie ran quite a few errands in the morning. Mike and Hallie went to a Christmas gift and craft show in Spanish Fork. It was kind of a bust. Lots of interesting goods, but a lot of the vendors were on their phones. Mike has come to the realization that if he were to try to become a vendor, he'd want to make something consumable that doesn't require tons of prep time, before-event effort, and inventory (like kettle corn or lemonade). This is simply because with so many of the items available for sale, it seemed evident to him that lots of love and work had gone into making things he ultimately found himself not being able to justify buying. Maybe if we had more space, disposable income, and awareness of who among our family and friends would appreciate those beautiful baubles. 

Sunday morning dawned with Mom downstairs after Eliza (who has had trouble sleeping the last few days) pushed her out of our bed after sneaking in during the night and Dad held captive by Fergus, who fell asleep on him after coming in after a night on the town. 

Finally Fergus moved enough for Mike to sneak out from under the covers. 

He left Sleeping Beauty to her slumber.

Once upon a time, she had this look as a slumbering toddler. One waxes nostalgic at the thought. 

None of us are thrilled to realize that tomorrow we hit the ground running on "real life" again. So many things on the to-do list.

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