Sunday, July 11, 2021

2021, July 5-11

We put up with the summer heat and enjoyed a last few days with the cousins before celebrating Scottish heritage over the weekend.

On Monday, Eliza practiced for the last time before big changes were to happen the next day. Other changes will follow. Not all of Eliza's teammates were in town before the big change, so Hallie got a picture of what girls were there and Coach Sarah. 

The kids joined Uncle Bryce, Aunt Elise, and their cousins on the Provo River while Mom and the grandparents watched from the shore. While we nearly lost the boy, fortunately all that got swept downstream were his sunglasses and slides. Thank you, Emerson, for trying to help rescue Landon. Eliza saved Lily we were told, and she saved Hallie's water bottle that rolled into the river from Hallie's viewing point.

After the river run, they all went to the Springville Farmers Market. Cousin Lily called it a highlight of the trip. Everyone ate from the yummy food trucks and enjoyed all of the local vendors. 

The garden continues to put up with the summer sun and heat. We're trying to be good about keeping it fed and watered, and we've harvested a few fruits of the vine already. 

Fergus seems fine to spend the nights outdoors and is happy to greet us for food in the mornings. 

He found a cat trap. 

More than 60 girls joined the gym this past week, and the new owners have changed its name from AirTime Training Center to Bold Gymnastics. The girls pictured below are just some of the Level 9 & 10s.

After the kids went to gym, we went with the cousins to Heber Hatchets. Everyone had a fun time, and the kids hit the bull's eye several times. 

We also had dinner at Backdoor BRGR, where Uncle Bryce has his own burger (not really! He's not boring). We were bummed that all of our burgers were a bit over done, but they still had good flavor.

The picture below is some of the girls Levels 6-8, which Eliza is a part of. From talking to other parents, we know there are other girls that are these levels that practice at Bold, but we don't know when they practice as they don't practice with the girls below. As a family, we're experiencing some mixed feelings. Change is hard. 

Eliza had a sunset ride at Creekside. It has been so hot during the day, and even at 8:00 p.m. it was still over 90. Eliza asked Hallie to take her to horseback riding, and Hallie was not looking forward to it because of the the heat. Hallie was delighted to see that barn shaded the outside arena and a slight breeze had developed that made sitting outside quite delightful.

Before the cousins left (Bye! We love you!), we all went over to Five Below (or as Eliza calls it, "Five and Below"). While there, Eliza found Fergus a new cat bed. He seems to like it. Hallie had serious reservations about buying the cat bed because (like a toddler) Fergus will use anything but things we buy him. Eliza and Fergus proved Hallie wrong, and Fergus has used the bed every day since we bought it on Wednesday.

On Thursday, Hallie took Lily, Lincoln, and Eliza to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium

On Saturday, we went to the Payson Scottish Festival. We enjoyed music, highland games, and food and drink. Eliza wants a kilt, and Landon wants a leather scabbard. Both kids have more Scottish ancestry than do either of their parents, but we have no idea what clans they might claim. Good thing there are a variety of tartans for us mongrels. Landon thought this was a perfect place to bring his sword. Landon met a vendor that can make him a sheath, and Hallie would be happy with having a cover for the sword.

Also, apparently there is no COVID-19 in Utah. The crowds were abundant and close-knit. One of the vendors even mentioned how unsocially distanced everyone was relative to where he lives in California. So hard to comprehend.
We are grateful to have central air conditioning, and this summer we added a portable air conditioning to our upstairs. It has helped quite a bit, which we are glad for with so many 100 degree days. Mike also installed garage door insulation which has helped our garage fell a bit better as well. 

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