Sunday, December 06, 2020

2020, November 30-December 6

This week we did stuff and went places and saw things. We transitioned from November to December and into full-blown Christmas mode (albeit a bit more subdued this year). 

Mike saw a pretty sunset on an evening stroll on Monday to end out the month. He's truly thankful for nature's beauty. After work and while the kids were at gymnastics, Lily and Hallie took a little trip to buy Lily's mom a Christmas present. Lily slept in the car and woke as we pulled into the gym. Perfect timing, as it was time to drop her off to see her mom.

On Tuesday, we started on our Advent calendars. Mike received Lego City, Landon Lego Star Wars, and Eliza Lego Harry Potter. It is fun to see what everyone receives each day.

For date night, Mike and Hallie went to the Beehive Bazaar and California Pizza Kitchen before quickly grabbing some Hickory Farms and Bahama Buck's on the way back to get the kids from gym. The folks at our local California Pizza did a great job spacing out those who were eating. Our server Ian wore his mask properly and had gloves on, and we really enjoyed our time eating out. We found a few items for stockings at the Bazaar, and Bahama Buck's had free snow cones!

Mike tried giving blood Wednesday. Much to his disappointment, the phlebotomists couldn't strike a vein, although Mike has the bruises on both arms to prove they made a real effort. 

The deer were out in force at twilight time on Wednesday after Hallie, Eliza, and Lily left Grandpa and Grandma M's. It was nice seeing them again after they returned home from Riley and Breanne's for Thanksgiving. Grandma sent home a treat for Landon, a case of chocolate milk. This boy loves chocolate milk. Thank you, Grandma!

This under cover cop in Mike's Advent calendar looks like a TV character we like. 

Eliza had her horseback riding lesson on Friday night. Hallie made the mistake of not dressing warm enough and for a bit sat in the car to try to warm up before going back out to help Eliza untack her horse. On the way home, the girls stopped at Salsa Madre to pick up some yummy items from their new brick and mortar store. Salsa Madre is right by In-N-Out, so Pizza and a Movie turned into In-N-Out and the Mandalorian and Big. Hallie slept through most of the media watching, as by Friday the week has taken its toll on her. While the girls were busy doing all of this, Landon was at gymnastics preparing for his first practice meet on December 12th, and Mike finished working for the week. Check for videos on Instagram and Facebook next week of Landon's work. Only one parent is allowed at the event to keep numbers down, and so there will be a lot of video taking going on and hopefully this will give us/Hallie better video skills.

Saturday, Hallie, Eliza, and Grandma M. went on a few errands that included a bit of candy buying for Christmas gifts and stopping by Target to get our growing boy new jeans so he is not wearing flood waters to jr. high. Hopefully Landon will be set for a bit. He will definitely have to pull in the sides for a bit as the 8lbs he gained in the last 6 months has turned to muscle. 

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