Friday, May 04, 2012

Make Sis. Evans' Day: Send Her Mail!

Some of our favorite memories as missionaries were receiving mail. Now that Sister Evans is in the Missionary Training Center, we're sure she would appreciate hearing from you. If you know her, you can catch her up on all your activities. If you don't know her, you can strike up a friendship with a remarkable young lady. You never know what you might gain from the experience!

Mike has many memories of sharing his mission with family and friends. His mom would write about the antics of the house pets and people in his home town, and Mike would share his observations and growing appreciation for Argentina. Her witty observations and anecdotes were a big hit both with him and his roommates in the missionfield. Mike's sister Emily mentioned to the grandma of another student in her class at school that her brother was serving his mission far away. She gave this nice lady Mike's mission address, and for the next two years Mike and Mrs. Williams (who, incidentally, is not a member of our faith--you don't have to be a member to write a missionary) shared a long-distance correspondence that Mike will always remember. Hallie enjoyed getting to know members of her congregation who helped keep her motivated while she served in Atlantic Canada.

If you have ever wondered what it's like to be a missionary from the missionary's perspective, now's your chance. If you feel like lending someone far from home and family some moral support, here's your opportunity!

You can reach Sis. Evans at the following addresses:

While she's at the MTC (May 2-May 22)
Sister Diamond Lacrista Evans
MTC Mailbox #146
DC-South 0523
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

In the missionfield (May 23, 2012-November 23, 2013)
Sister Diamond Lacrista Evans
Washington DC South Mission
5242 Lyngate Ct
Burke, VA 22015

By email: diamond.evans(at)

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