Sunday, October 13, 2024

2024, October 7-15

It still does not feel like fall. Here are some things we did. 

On Tuesday Eliza took our neighbor to school before she went to Yates Place. 

Hallie got her nails done in a Halloween motif. 

Later in the day, Eliza joined Kohar and her kids down at Rowley's Red Barn for its harvest activities. 

Mike was due to start his new remote job on Wednesday, but some unexpected delays have arisen. He has his equipment, so that’s something. But the actual start date has been postponed. Being that he has opted not to take the seasonal UPS offer, we're hoping foregoing the less schedule-friendly in-person job for the more schedule-friendly remote one isn't a mistake. 

Eliza sometimes like to push limits as far as how she dresses for school. Here she is being mad at Dad for him verifying with Mom that this outfit is school-suitable. Parents! What're ya gonna do? 

Hallie got this new tumbler from school. She's getting it engraved with the phrase "Preschool Princess."

Some celestial events took place this week, but because of where we live, we couldn't see them. Mike tried to get a picture of the aurora borealis with no success. We also couldn't see the comet in the evening sky later in the week. Bummer. 

On Saturday, we went to Gma and Gpa M's house to celebrate her birthday. 

Eliza took some glamor shots on Mom's phone Sunday. The necklace is a gift from Grandma that she got on their cruise through Atlantic Canada and New England. 

We also did some seasonal decorating. We're being fairly low key this year. 


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