Sunday, February 04, 2024

2024, January 29-February 4

Time keeps flying by. Crazy that we're nearly 10% into 2024! 

On Mondays, Hallie doesn't work, so she and Eliza do school and other fun activities. Some are not so fun, like cleaning up around the house. At least the pets keep them company. 

Kai likes to cuddle up even in tight spaces. 

On Wednesday, both Landon and Eliza advanced a belt level at RISE. They also demonstrated the skills they have worked on since their last belt advancement. Mr. Thorne had to ask L to dial down the intensity a couple of times! 

On Thursday and Friday, Eliza got to go feed Jack and Raunchy. Dad and E went on Thursday, and Mike got a couple of photos. On Friday, the girls got over to the boys before the rain came down while Mike tutored. 

During movie night, Eliza wanted Dad to get evidence of the rare occurrence of Fergus settling in for a real nap with her. 

Of course, the same thing happened the next day, so maybe it isn't quite so rare.

Hallie has these mementos of her childhood that we have been storing. They're not really things we display, as we have mementos of our own kids that we put up. What to do with these artifacts? 

Winter weather finally returned on Saturday, when we got a dusting of snow in the valley. We need more of it in the mountains. 

Fergus went on a successful hunt, and then he brought in muddy paws. At least he left the body outside. 

Mom asked Landon to help her take Kai on a walk. This is how he came downstairs. Fortunately, he saw the sense of dressing more sensibly for the weather. 

Granny O. sent Valentine's cards. Fergus has the uncanny ability both to send them from California and to be the model for the cards he sends. 

In addition to ukulele practice, Mike and Eliza practice drawing together on occasion. Hallie thought this little cartoon Mike drew was cute. 

Hallie's preschool teacher Mrs. Kelly's mom passed away last Sunday. Hallie tried to hold the fort down. Elise had a bit of a health scare, and we found out that our friend Matt Culbert has had Thyroid Cancer. Hopefully, this next week can be a bit less anxiety inducing. 

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