Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023, December 25-31

Here we go documenting Christmas through the end of the year. Goodbye, 2023! Don't let the door hit you on the way out. 

Monday Christmas morning dawned bright and clear and without any snow on the ground. The kids didn't seem to mind. Here's their traditional stair shot.  

Prior to going downstairs, the kids opened their stockings. This year they wore matching jammies. 

Back downstairs they opened their gifts, and we chatted with Gma and Gpa O. and Alie. 

Fergus is never sure what to make of all the activity. 

Up in Elk Ridge, they did get snow. We went up later in the day to visit with Gma and Gpa M and Carly, Shad, and their family. Here are Eliza and Sawyer getting ready to go sledding up on the back hill. Hallie and Carly made some games for the kids (and kids at heart) to play. People got prizes worth up to dollars! 

Here's a view of Raunchy and Jack from the house of a neighbor. Somehow they got into their hay, and we notified their owners. Hallie learned horses will eat until they are sick. With the work of a couple of families, we were able to save the day.

Eliza got her hair colored back to one uniform color. It is fun to see how curly Eliza's hair has become.

Look at this cute puppy! It's a two-week-old Shitzu that the hairdresser had at her house.

Here's the final outcome. She's happy. 

Eliza and Mike took Sawyer over to see the ponies, and Sawyer got to do a little bareback riding. Eliza is so patient and a good teacher. Way to go putting a helmet on Sawyer.

Kai came back on Friday with new Christmas toys in tow. He was giddy to see Hallie and Eliza when they picked him up, as always. As he had to leave his new toys behind, the girls went to the pet store to get him a couple of new ones for while he's with us.

On Gpa M.'s birthday, we went over for dinner, cake, and visits. 

The new digital frame has led to people taking goofy shots of others and posting them for laughs. 

Landon, whatever you do, don't smile! Look at that photo bomb! Good job Grandpa!

One hour later. . . .

E took a picture of her new uke. She likes it a lot, and Mike has taken advantage of there being two ukes in the house to borrow E's old one so he can learn to play, kind of a revisit to when he would draft off her lessons a few years back. 

Emo selfy from the girl to end the year. Here's to a happy and successful 2024!

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