Sunday, July 09, 2023

2023, July 3-9

We spent the week celebrating the independent spirit. We also saw an unusually high number of deer and other wildlife. 

Eliza came home Monday afternoon with a jar containing a fish she fished out of the stream in the farmer's field. 

She continues learning her song in her BUH music class.

Outside our therapist's office, there's a swallow nest. Mike tried to capture an image of the chick, but he was not quite quick enough. 

Picking Landon up from work, we saw this deer leaving the parking lot. 

On Mike's way up to work this morning, he saw the hot air balloons that were part of Provo's Freedom Festival. He did not take the picture below, but that's mostly what it looked like from the freeway.

Here is Eliza with a frozen treat she got the morning of July 4th. FiiZ had quite a yummy treat called the Firecracker. No one had tried it before, but Eliza sure did like it.

While Landon worked, the rest of us went to Gma and Gpa M's in the afternoon. The robin below busily cleaned up the mass of grasshoppers that had invaded the back yard. 

Meanwhile, we let Mike's kite catch the breeze. Later, before Mike picked Landon up from work and brought him back, Dad and Eliza took a bike ride through the neighborhood. Unfamiliar bikes and hilly roads made for quite the workout! The two were winded by the time they made it back. 

On his way to get Landon, Mike spied these deer outside the mental hospital grounds on Provo Center Street. 

Hallie has been experimenting with variations on s'mores this summer. She thought to test run a version using rice crispy treats. Let's just say that, while tasty, the treats kind of melt apart when exposed to heat and flame. 

Sunset and fireworks views. 

At about 10:00, Mike got antsy figuring that Fergus had been left outside to contend with all the noise of the neighbors' fireworks. Sure enough, when he and Landon got home, the neighborhood smelled of gunpowder smoke, and Ferg had found a safe place out back. He was happy to see us and cuddled up to Mike after getting his supper.  Sometimes Fergus has a funny eye. Eventually, it gets better, but he should be friends with pirates.

On Wednesday, Haliie got her nails done in western colors and motifs. The girls will be going to a rodeo on July 20th.

She also received this horseshoe-and-heart themed ring from a local jewelry maker. 

Ferg found a funny way to lie down near the wall while staying nearby. 

Hallie is so excited to see her garden grow! She has zucchini, tomatoes, and peppers all coming along.  

Mike spied this dragonfly hovering near the flag. We hope it is making a killing eating the nearby mosquitoes. 

Mike spent the week prepping for, having, and recovering from a colonoscopy. Yay, turning 50! It could have been worse, and it might have been better, but it is now done. 

Here are Mike and Ferg as Mike lets the last lingering effects of his anesthesia wear off. He had quite the deep sleep while he was under. Somehow he managed to remain just a little bit out of it for the rest of the day. 

Eliza made the BUH Mapleton Insta feed again as they featured her embroidery class.  

She also got pics taken of her at yoga class. 

Here's how Ferg greeted Mike as he came home from work on Friday. Mike just thought it was funny how Ferg has claimed the zero gravity chairs as his own. He caught the kitty mid-yawn rather than mid-growl. 

While Landon worked, the rest of us went to the Payson Scottish Festival. We got yummy food and drink. Unfortunately, one of these growlers burst open when we got home. 

We watched pipers compete and dined on poutine and Bigfoot tacos (very Scottish, aye!).

Saturday morning dawned sunny and warm. We try to enjoy the time outdoors early and late in the day. 

Mike took Hallie's car to the shop for an oil change. Cost more than he liked. Time to go back to DIY oil and light bulb changes at this rate! He thought the buildings across from the car shop looked picturesque. 

In the afternoon, Hallie and her parents joined some extended family for a birthday celebration for her dad's cousin in Syracuse, Utah. Glenda Hacker is pictured in pink with her sons Alex, Adam, and Ethan and their families. 

They played this unique(ly norther Utah?) game as part of the fun. Hallie was told it is called 9 square. She was happy to watch the game, and she won at Bingo.

Meanwhile, at home (after getting Landon from work and going to an underwhelming European Cultural Festival at University Place -- Eliza got bored before the activities really got started), the rest of us hung out in the shade in front of the house. Once you sit out for a bit and let the soft breeze wash by, it's really nice out! 

Kai has claimed his place in Mom and Dad's bed. Even Mike is (sort of) warming up to the idea.

This was the scene Sunday morning after Mike left and Eliza took his place. 

E really has fun romping around with the dog. We'll have him for the rest of July and into August. 

We are adjusting to Mike's 9-to-5 routine as we have spent our entire family life with him doing something pertaining to education and school which frequently meant some nights and weekends but was never 9-to-5. 

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