Sunday, September 20, 2020

2020, September 14-20

We kept busy through this last full week of summer. Warm temperatures and smoke from far off fires yielded some to a bit of cooler weather, but it doesn't yet feel like fall. 

Sometimes you just gotta take a nap, as was shown here by a couple of kids in Hallie's class. 

On Tuesday, we had date night at a macaroon and ice cream parlor in Orem called Macs A La Mode. We ate two. This one was watermelon, and the other was burnt almond chocolate. Delish! 

Then we picked up the kids from the gym. Per usual, Eliza had to mark Dad with chalk because he was wearing something dark. 

Such cuties! 

The postal workers were super busy this week delivering packages to our house. Some gymnastics-themed masks for the kids came. 

And so did a LEGO Hedwig, Harry Potter's faithful mail-carrying owl. Eliza (with help from Mom and Dad) had loads of fun assembling her.  

Eliza also received a personalized picture book chronicling her life from 2011-2015. We have been meaning to do this for a while, but Mike finally had the chance to push it through.

One of Eliza's writing lessons entailed visualizing winter. This is her take. 

Mike received a couple of heraldry-themed items in the mail. One was this signet ring, which Landon promptly stole and claimed as his own. 

It leaves a decent impression. 

However, Mike has other stamps he can use, so Landon is welcome to his early inheritance. 

The rubber stamp leaves a deeper impression anyway! 

Plus it's good for stamping things. 

We were disappointed to see that the 2021 BlackJack Competition has been postponed until 2022. Mike and Landon will have to get their restaurant ramen locally.  

Eliza made Hallie eggs. She was so excited to do it that she tried to set an alarm for 1:00 on Saturday morning. As it was, she woke up at 2:00 on her own. Mike awoke to the sound of clattering downstairs and had to persuade Eliza to go back to bed and finish breakfast at a more reasonable hour. 

Fergus always has the right idea. Everything is better with a nap! 

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