Sunday, July 05, 2020

2020, June 29-July 5

We transitioned into the second half of the year this week. The days are getting warmer if marginally shorter. Three fires in the valley remind us how dry the weather has been. We celebrated Independence Day with barbecue and fireworks. 

Eliza continues enjoying her time with the horses.

We saw Eliza's friend from the gym, Morgan, quite a bit this week. Eliza went over to Morgan's house on a couple of days, and Morgan came over on others. 

One day while tending to the garden, the girls saw a big ol' dragonfly on the sidewalk. They were most impressed. 

A little while back, Hallie had bought Eliza and Lily matching dresses. Lily loves wearing hers, while Eliza seems somewhat less enthusiastic about being a twinner. 

Hallie, Hallie, quite the gal-ie, how does your garden grow? With bright green bells . . .

and Roma tomatelles . . . 

and little gourds all in four rows. The garden keeps growing. We have drilled holes in the bottom of our containers with the hope that they'll drain a bit more, and we've asked the neighbors to refrain from giving them extra water. 

We decorated the door with a summery wreath. 

The girls earned candy at gym. 

Plus Eliza earned a Barbie. 

And Morgan and Eliza made their 3rd event, the beam.

Low flying copters were doing who-knows-what. There was a long line hanging down and it was quite mysterious in Spanish Fork so Hallie made her sidekick Eliza take the picture.

Mike added new emblazons to stick onto the things he owns. 

He continues refining his Adobe Illustrator skills. This particular emblazon features a hanging beehive and has a hidden M-A-O. 

A new Italian ice store opened up. Clearly, there may be a reason COVID-19 cases are rising in the state. 

Glorious sun rays graced us on Friday. 

On July 4, after hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill, we went to G&G Maygren's to watch the fireworks and eat s'mores by the fire pit. Yumm-O!

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