Sunday, March 29, 2020

2020, March 16-29

And here we are in the stay-at-home phase of 2020. Despite the fact that we did school (both Westside and BYU) and church from home, the kids still had gym at the gym, at least until the end of March with practice modified to promote "social distancing," one of many new terms we've been introduced to in the couple of months or so.

Staying at home meant more time with LEGOs.

And spring is finally in the air!

We still got to have fun with Lily. Landon was a great babysitter to Lily and was very imaginative in his play with her.

Alicia and Hallie broke their social distancing and went to a landscape center in Orem where they put planter baskets together. One with flowers and the other with herbs and lettuce.

In order to get out and enjoy the spring weather, Mike and Eliza drew on the driveway with sidewalk chalk.

Social distancing hasn't gone quite perfectly.

One day Hallie had to work and so Mike and Landon babysat Lily and Mike took this cutie on a walk. Eliza wants to know why we have so many pictures of Lily. She is so cute. Why not?

A major change we have all had to adjust to is doing school from home. Our teachers at Westside did an amazing job turning things around between the Friday school got out and the Wednesday we started again at home. Mike and/or Hallie and the kids spend most mornings with one or both of the kids on Google Classroom reviewing the materials their teachers post. Some days are easier than others. As parents, it has been enlightening to see our kids as students. Overall, as Mike has been working from his office at home, he has spent quite a bit of time with the kids while Hallie has worked at Westside. Hallie takes over in the afternoon.

Staying at home is not without its stressors. We're around each other a lot, so we don't always get needed privacy, and while we go out for walks or bike rides, having gym is a welcome break from being indoors.

Among the many new (and potentially pointless) skills the children have learned during this new adventure, Landon has mastered the Rubik's Cube. He's can go from scrambled to solved in under two minutes.

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