Sunday, April 22, 2018

“Every Man for Himself”

This week’s title refers to words uttered by Landon at Café Rio this weekend as he and Mike “shared” a salad. The boy has developed quite the appetite of late. He may be due for a growth spurt.

Monday was a pretty normal run of the mill day except for Eliza deciding not to go to Art Club after school. So, Hallie had Eliza tag along with the things she needed to do while the kids are usually at their activities.

Busy is the word to describe Mike's day. Hallie took over more of the teaching duties at school while the head teacher tested kids for the upcoming year. Hallie enjoys working with the kids for a longer period of time than she usually gets to do. Both kids ended the day with gymnastics.

Wednesday was a bit of a change for the family. About six weeks ago, Landon qualified from his class to go to the Nebo School District Keyboarding Championships. So after school, Hallie, Landon, and Eliza headed over to Spanish Fork High School for Landon to participate. The whole process was very long, and we all decided after Round 1 to leave and take Landon back to gymnastics. While waiting for Landon's turn, Hallie was texting with Lona Marie Cook (a lady from our ward), who told Hallie about an activity for the girls to attend on Friday evening.

On Thursday, Landon completed more of his SAGE testing at school. Hallie and Mike worked during the day. The kids had gymnastics during the evening where Eliza did some great work! Her coach was so impressed she called Hallie down to tell her how well Eliza was doing and to show her a video she took of Eliza's dismount on the beam. While the kids were practicing, Hallie and Lily went running errands to celebrate Coach Isaac's birthday. Toward the end of practice, we had pizza, drinks, and cupcakes with all of the boys on Levels 5 through 10. It was a lot of fun, and we can't wait to celebrate more fun things in the future with all of the boys.

Hallie's fun boss left this funny note on the board when the ladies came into work Friday morning.

Mike made sure the Momobile got sent off to its next owner before volunteering in Eliza's class in the morning after the school had an earthquake drill. 

During the drill, Hallie knew what to do from when she was a kid in California, but no one else seemed to know what to do except for Eliza. Thank heavens the first grader could teach everyone else. While Landon went to gymnastics, Eliza and Hallie went to UVU so Eliza could participate in a project with a group called My Story Matters. She took several photos and participated in some interviews, and she will end up with a personal book that represents who she is at this moment in time. We look forward to seeing how it turns out! Eliza had some very interesting answers with some being quite candid.

On Saturday morning, Hallie and the kids ran a few errands while Mike took care of some things in the home. By lunch time we headed for a fun trip to the Museum of Natural Curiosity. The museum had an indoor ropes course high above the ground level. The kids took full advantage, climbing all around the course. We also explored a kid-scaled town and an outdoor playscape, spending in total over four hours there.

Everyone was starving by the time we left so we headed to Café Rio, which is a family favorite.

Sunday was a little busy with Hallie starting the morning with a short meeting. We then had church, and Hallie had choir after church. The exciting thing was our choir doubled with just three more adults in attendance, and Hallie was happy to not be the only soprano at practice. Fergus got out this evening and spent time roaming the neighborhood. He let Landon and Mike know he was ready to come back in when he scratched on the door. This little action may mean the cat gets to travel outside more often.

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