Spring has come to town, but winter remains in the background. We had a week mostly bound up in new routines.
Eliza sewed a pillow at BUH and is very pleased with the result.
We still can't figure out what's causing Landon's occasional swollen lip.
Walking Kai this week, we saw some signs of spring in the neighborhood.
Poor Kai must have slightly injured his paw one morning because he was limping for a day or two. Then he got over it.
At Hallie's school, students broke open geodes. Some cracked cleanly in half . . . ,
. . . and some didn't.
Some high school students thought of their rocks as pets, including Nolan (pictured here). This is Theresa and the kids loved her. They were quiet when Theresa came around.
Hallie and the kids got Dutch Bros treats mid-week.
Here is the boy hard at work at Jimmy John's. He had a couple of shifts this week and is motivated to get his license (so he can get a motorcycle. . . ).
Landon's informed Hallie via text that he had a passenger. Ewww! Ewww! Ewww! OMG. Nonononono. Fortunately, L removed it before it had a chance to make itself at home. This is the drawback of an early spring and having a girlfriend who climbs trees. Again, ewww.
Mike got to come home a bit earlier than usual on Thursday. He's finally feeling like he has a grip on his new job and is grateful for the support he has received. He taught a first grade class on Friday. Such a contrast, all the different groups he works with! He finally got a chance to catch up with the Melos. They've been doing ESL at UVU, so the three of them had fun comparing notes.
Friday night we trekked up to Sweet Roll Tacos in Orem for their friends and family reopening event. Nolan works there, and we got some extra TLC. Somehow Eliza escaped getting her picture taken.
As we have done consistently for the past three years, we stand firmly with Ukraine against continued Russian aggression.
On Saturday, we had a genuinely fine early spring morning. Eliza invited Dad out to do some art on the back grass plot.
We drew favorite flowers and felines.
Eliza also helped Dad deal with making sure Mom's van's headlights worked. We have had an issue with loose wires or something. We're not quite sure, because the bulbs work fine.
Here we see a tale of one kitty taken at two different times: relaxed, and relaaaaxed.
Mike saw more spring flowers on one of his walks over the weekend.
Hallie's relative had a dresser for sale, and we bought it for Eliza to use and so we could bring one of her storage units downstairs to use for Kai's stuff.
Hallie worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday night at Starbucks, which can get to be a little much.