Sunday, September 29, 2024

2024, September 23-29

We have movement on the work front, and climate change is making September feel like August. 

We had a generally routine week with work and school. 

Hallie got a different new fun croc at McDonalds. 

Eliza brought home lighthouse-themed art from BUH. 

Hallie got new shoes for work so her feet don't hurt. 

She lost her watch at work. Fortunately a coworker found it and put it in some rice. It still works, so all's well that ends well. 

Mike had some positive developments on the work front that now lead to more questions than answers as we determine next steps. The people who had shortlisted him for a professor job in New Zealand last year did not opt to shortlist him again this year when the hang-up that stopped the process last year got resolved this time. This post-academia life has taken some twists and turns, and it feels like more of a wild ride than we've been used to. That said, on the other jobs front, we have had some good news. He had a physical for one job, two interviews for another, a follow-up and next steps for a third, and an interview get scheduled for a fourth. He's also looking into getting an endorsement that may open up opportunities hitherto closed as far as getting a full-time teaching job. Navigating this peculiar job market is going to get complicated here real quick. 

Eliza had the chance to go up to Diamond Fork hot springs with our neighbor and her kids. They ended up hiking some six miles total, and she said she had a lot of fun. She also commented about all the colorful fall foliage. 

We have an abundance of red and gold up in the mountains despite the heat we've had on the valley floor the last few days. The sickly little tree right in front of our house has already dropped its leaves, and its neighbors will follow in the next few weeks. Not much else to report this week. More to follow. 

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