Sunday, September 03, 2023

2023, August 28-September 3

This week was our last transition week from summer into fall, as Eliza will start at Yates Place next week. Hallie and Landon are back in action at Springville High, Mike is doing his thing at TomiPlan, Kai is with his other family, and Fergus rules the roost. 

The girls decided that they finally had had enough of the yellow jackets flying around the playground, so they did away with them. Leave it to Eliza to get in on the action up close and personal.

They also enlisted Mike to help take out a couple of nests at our new neighbors' house. 

Hallie gathered up the last fruits from the garden. This has been her most successful year yet! We used the peppers in our Sunday fajitas.

We're trying to encourage our artist Landon to make better friends with our new neighbor, who also likes to draw and enjoys anime.  

Landon's learning new math this year.

Hallie and Alicia spruced up the kitchen and dining room. Living in the clutter was getting old. By the end of the day (like most people) we get tired. We are grateful for friends who have a bit more energy than us to come and help. We have kept things up since the cleaning.

Eliza had some BUH fun cooking and making crafts. She'll shift back to afternoon classes next week.

Landon decided he wanted to play Fruit Ninja with one of the cucumbers we harvested. He even got Mike to join in.

On Thursday while Hallie, Mike, and Eliza were out, Landon put a hole in the office door. "'Tis but a flesh wound." The boy tried getting out of taking more responsibility for his actions by suggesting we pay for it from his Splash Summit earnings. Mike was not impressed.

Hallie's preschool will be fairy tale-themed this year. She, Mrs. Kelly, and the students worked hard at putting up displays and murals before the little kids come in. 

Kai is with his other family, which means Fergus is back to his normal spot on the top of the food chain. Fergus seems to be quite happy in this position.

Landon is fortunate that we have some repair materials from his other mishap with the office wall to use to repair the office door. We traded the door to the office with one from the closet in the office. The repair will not be perfect, but it will be enough, and it will be hidden.

Hallie went out with her friend Amanda on Saturday. They got filled chimney cones at a place called Crispy Cones

Amanda gets treat boxes from Japan, and she gave Hallie some salt lemon Kat Kats to share. The ladies checked out the whole treat box to see what was delivered. It was really fun looking at the creative packaging those folks in Japan come up with. After the ladies went to Crispy Cone they headed to Costco to look at new glasses for Hallie. They just may have found some Hallie liked quite well.

Mike took advantage of the mild weather to read outside on Sunday. Fergus joined him. The rest of the day was quite pleasant. Hallie and Eliza made homemade salsa with ingredients from our neighbors and from our CSA box. Then with more ingredients from our garden and the grocery store, we made homemade fajitas while we chatted with Grandpa O, Grandma O, and Alie. Landon was asked to make the Spanish rice (not homemade) and for his first attempt did a great job.  

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