Sunday, May 14, 2023

2023, May 8-14

Springtime continues to bloom here in town. 

We got a little reminder from a Detroit-themed pizzeria. 

This was the preschoolers' last week for the year. They spent time practicing for their year-end program. 

On program day, they did great! 

We remembered Alison on her birthday. Mike's dad sent this image from her gravesite. 

We caught Ferg with his ear bent back while washing himself. 

Also, the cat trap is working. 

Mike read that the new Utah flag was available from a local store, so he went over to grab one. Now we have another to add to our collection. 

Eliza likes to horse around on the phone. 

We also got photos from BUH. 

We had some nice weather on Friday afternoon, so Mike took advantage to fly his kite. 

Eliza bought a spoon from a vendor that had wares sold by women in Kenya.

While Eliza was at BUH on Friday, the other three of us went to Bartholomew Park to take a walk. While there, we saw some locals enjoying the tranquility. Landon took his skateboard, and while skating, he managed to hit a pebble and fall. Fortunately, his years of training kicked in, and he escaped with a bit of a tweaked leg and some road rash on his shoulder. 

Eliza got to ride Mac, and the ladies at BUH got some sweet pics. 

On Saturday, we all went to see the Rise Martial Arts graduation. Several students received their black belts (some 1st, others 2nd and 3rd). 

Here's one more image of Eliza on Mac. 

Ferg chose to love on his mama on Mother's Day. Hallie thinks he just likes the soft blanket. 

Mom got this cool T-shirt from Diamond and Caleb. 

Around midday on Sunday, Eliza found this groundhog under a truck. She wrapped him up and had Mike help her figure out what to do with him. Mike suggested they take it to the field, where Mike and Hallie have seen other groundhogs recently. 

Fergus followed along. We had to keep him distracted. 

Fortunately, he did not go after the groundhog, which Eliza named George. 

In the afternoon, we chatted with Gma and Gpa O. in California. Cousin Haydn was there! We enjoyed catching up with him and finding out about his adventures. Afterwards, we drove up to Elk Ridge to visit Gma and Gpa M. While there, we saw lots of wooly mule's ears (AKA arrowleaf balsamroot) in bloom. 


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