Sunday, February 12, 2023

2023, February 6 - 12

Everything is super-duper at the Owens house. We now have a twelve-year-old to join our full-blown teen. 

To start the week, Eliza, Noelle, and Hallie took a trip around Provo to look at the murals and to collect fun stuff from gumball machines. The girls favorite was the stickers at Peace On Earth Coffee.

Fergus decided Eliza's doll bed would make a good perch. Landon wanted to take his picture. That's when things started getting weird. 

This is a separate weird pic of the cat. 

Eliza went all camo on Tuesday. Hallie tried to convince her to change one of the camos, but that was a no from the girl.

The snow sculpture maker updated his work. 

At BUH, Eliza made a zipper pouch. 

Wednesday morning, the kids noticed Fergus was acting strangely, chittering and staring at the wall. Turns out, he spied a spider. Was it a bold jumping spider? Who can tell? Anyway, the cat managed to avoid knocking over Mike's LEGOs and did not kill the spider, who crawled over to the door and presumably into the cold.

At BUH, some wild turkeys crossed Hallie and Eliza's path. Thanks to Google, the girls figured out what the birds were. Otherwise they would have had no idea.

Another weird blepping Fergus pic. 

For her birthday, our friend Julie made Eliza this horse-and-cowgirl-themed caramel layer cake. Eliza and Julie consulted and it was very yummy! Thank you Julie!

Eliza had fun making some impromptu art.

Hallie took Eliza out for a trip to the BUH shop in Alpine. Eliza had a lot of fun spending her own money and was very careful trying not to spend over her limit. Customer Service was top notch, and we even were given a tour of the barn and met all the horses!

Nice view!

Here is the girl with her gear and her cake prior to us going out to eat at Texas Roadhouse, where the wait staff gave her a big ol' Yee Haw!

Back at home, we sang, ate cake, and watched E unwrap presents. 

Landon likes giving Fergus boops and has decided to nickname him "Booper".

At BUH, Eliza got some horse time. Fridays are her favorite day of the week. Here she is learning ground work that they use on bigger horses.

Hallie worked the basketball game Friday and left the people at home to fend for ourselves. Mike made the frozen pizza she left because somehow Landon has yet to learn how an oven works. The pizza box came with a wearable mustache. Mike sent this picture to Hallie and it made her not so exciting night funny.

Saturday morning dawned with colorful skies. The day did not end in fowl weather. Mike worked in the afternoon while everyone else chilled out. 

Part of chilling out included drawing. The kids had a fun time bantering back and forth about drawing. Hallie had to capture something that doesn't happen often.

Eliza got cards and gifts from family. She was thrilled! 

Fergus chose to bless Hallie with his presence on her lap. It doesn't happen often.

We went over to Gma and Gpa's to watch a pretty entertaining Super Bowl. Eliza showed off her gear and goofed around with Gramps. To Eliza it is warm outside. The rest of us (as Grandpa is showing you) feel that it is quite a bit cooler than she may let on.

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