Sunday, January 10, 2021

2021, January 4-10

We had a fairly eventful start to the week getting everyone back to school. We found elements of beauty along the way. 

Eliza encouraged Mom to go wild with her hair as we got under way. It garners compliments, which is quite nice, and it is fun having a relationship that is ever evolving with Eliza.

Dad and Eliza's remote learning included a walk outdoors when things got tedious. We were met by a show of frost on all the solid surfaces after the morning fog lifted and the sun came out to play. Hallie and Landon noticed it too as they drove to school. It has been a long time since we have seen some of this beauty.

As a Christmas/anniversary gift, Mike received an arms commission from an up-and-coming German artist. Mike can doodle in Photoshop and Illustrator, but it takes real artists to do freehand work in ink and watercolor like this.

Wednesday was a weird and troubling day in Washington, DC. As we tried to make sense of things and explain to our children the actions of the president and the rioters who broke into the Capitol, we took solace in rocky road G&G had brought earlier in the week. 

Eliza has thoroughly enjoyed having technology like the rest of the family. She enjoys taking selfies and chatting and visiting with Mom on Facetime or Facebook Messenger. She's getting really proficient at doing her own hair for gym. Eliza is growing up way too fast, and Hallie misses her terribly while she is at work.

In school she has been learning about making goals as part of her writing. This year she is getting ambitious about her schoolwork, her gym skills, and developing the skills she will need to care for her own cat one day. 

"Hi, Mom!"

Hallie made a new friend at Eliza's horseback riding lesson on Friday. Look at this cute seven-week-old puppy named Cinch! Thanks, Bailey, for letting Hallie hold him. 

Landon was super excited with gifts he received from the Hall family: A Zuko from Avatar, the Last Airbender.

Happiness is a warm mug of mate. 

Landon was ordained to the office of a teacher at church today. We're proud of him and look forward to seeing him grow through service opportunities. 

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