A week gone already! The weather improved today, and while it was quite overcast, we did not get any rain. We headed out to Lunenburg and Mahone Bay with Austin. On the way down, we stopped at the place selling the brightly colored Adirondack chairs and met the company owner/builder of the chairs. We already own some chairs, but we were able to get some of the brightly colored stain to repaint ours. We continued on to Lunenburg, where we tooled around the brightly colored houses and shops. Lunenburg is the home port of the Bluenose II, a replica of the famous racing schooner featured on the Canadian dime, and the town has the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic, dedicated to the fishing industry in the province. Mike went to the Royal Canadian Legion and was able to get some Remembrance Day poppies (we’ll wear them around Veteran’s Day). We ran into Amber Jewers, who coincidentally was running some errands, and we all went to Big Red’s for lunch. We then went out to Mahone Bay, where Mike tried in vain to get a good picture of three famous picturesque churches that sit near the shore. Once we got back, we fixed Kraft Dinner, Caribbean Spiced chicken, and Nanaimo bars. “What’s Kraft Dinner?” you may ask if you are not familiar with things Canadian. It’s a particularly delicious pasta dish made with milk, butter, and an included packet of orange cheese powder (If you haven’t guessed, it’s this in the US). Janelle added Cheese Whiz to make it even cheesier. After dinner, Hallie, Landon, and Janelle burned off some extra energy at the local elementary school playground while Mike did some work and visited with the Dorey boys.
Landon and Austin on a giant Adirondack (AKA Muskoka) chair.
The happy trio pose for a shot.
Landon, the fisherman/hockey player.
The boys behind bars at the historic Lunenburg jail.
In front of Big Red's.
Boys with bouys.
Landon getting to know a carriage horse down by the museum.
The Fisheries Museum.
A sign for
Farmers Ice Cream. These signs are found all over at little shops and restaurants that sell this yummy ice cream that comes in tons of flavors.
The picture of the three churches that we wanted to get.
A picture of the three churches we did get. Oh well. Could be worse. Photoshop it, maybe?
Landon at the elementary school.
Swinging with Janelle.
Playing on a yard toy. Gotta tap that kid's energy!
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