The last week of school has officially come and gone. Now for summertime for reals!
Eliza and Lily found this little bird who had fallen out of its nest. We tried to get it back to its parents, but Mike fears it was injured and possibly beyond hope. Sad!
Landon got a massive rip on his right hand. It's healing up fine, but it looked nasty when he first got it. Here it is under wraps.
Eliza found yet another critter down by the stream on the property next to Reagan Elementary, this gopher snake. She was encouraged to let it go back into the wild.
E also took a trip to the pool with the Crossettes. Summer fun has begun! We got a couple of hot days this week before the rain and colder temperatures returned for the weekend.
These are beans. Hallie thought she bought squash. Hallie has the little stake with the name to prove she tried to buy zucchini. So, instead of moving these little snots (or giving them away, really), who needs 4 pole beans? I guess we do. Hallie went out and bought zucchini and gave it its very own home below the beans.
Mike got a haircut. He doesn't like it. We took a picture to show his mom! Hallie told his mom that he was looking snappy. Here Mike was snapping to look snappy.
Eliza got a unicorn dress for her horseback riding show later this summer. She also said she doesn't like it, or rather, she said it is not her. However, it moves well and hopefully will accomplish the task of winning some ribbons. Or, as Eliza likes to say, "You have to spend money to win money." We think she likes it well enough.
As part of last days of school, Landon became a yearbook when he ran out of room in his paper one. We were told that his friend asked to sign his abs, and then some girls asked to sign his abs. It's only just begun.
We found a ladybug at the splash pad when we were with two sets of fun friends. Eliza likes ladybugs because her birth mom likes ladybugs. So it is fun when we see these fun little insects.
Diamond gave Hallie a beautiful bracelet for Mother's Day. Diamond is a great gift giver. Thank you, Diamond!!!
Coach Allison is leaving Bold for another coaching role. She brought cupcakes, and we celebrated some with her. Leave it to Landon not to smile. We love Coach Allison and wish her well on her new role and adventure.
Mike made some linocut stamps with the kit Hallie got him for Christmas, including a new badge he made to go along with his arms.
Here is a fancy digitally-drawn version.
We had a backyard get together on Saturday with s'mores around the fire.
These girls from the neighborhood came by to deliver something to Hallie. We think they may have also had a motive to see the boy. Landon brought down his swords to share. They were impressed.
We all had a long night. Only Fergus got to sleep in.