Sunday, October 13, 2024

2024, October 7-15

It still does not feel like fall. Here are some things we did. 

On Tuesday Eliza took our neighbor to school before she went to Yates Place. 

Hallie got her nails done in a Halloween motif. 

Later in the day, Eliza joined Kohar and her kids down at Rowley's Red Barn for its harvest activities. 

Mike was due to start his new remote job on Wednesday, but some unexpected delays have arisen. He has his equipment, so it's a start. Being that he has opted not to take the UPS offer, we're hoping this isn't a mistake. 

Eliza sometimes like to push limits as far as how she dresses for school. Here she is being mad at Dad for him verifying with Mom that this outfit is school-suitable. Parents! What're ya gonna do? 

Hallie got this new tumbler from school. She's getting it engraved with the phrase "Preschool Princess."

Some celestial events took place this week, but because of where we live, we couldn't see them. Mike tried to get a picture of the aurora borealis with no success. We also couldn't see the comet in the evening sky later in the week. Bummer. 

On Saturday, we went to Gma and Gpa M's house to celebrate her birthday. 

Eliza took some glamor shots on Mom's phone Sunday. The necklace is a gift from Grandma that she got on their cruise through Atlantic Canada and New England. 

We also did some seasonal decorating. We're being fairly low key this year. 


Sunday, October 06, 2024

2024, September 30-October 6

Hello, October! We've entered the last quarter of the year. We keep on keepin' on!

Fall means going out to see the leaves, and that's just what Hallie and Eliza did. Eliza took pics while Hallie drove. 

They saw some cows too. Actually quite a few cows. Hallie said she had to stop and shy hi to all of them.

October also brought a new Dutch Bros sticker. 

It brought kids wearing their Halloween gear to school too. Mike found this Hello Kitty Frankenstein's monster particularly fun. 

Eliza drew a charcoal pumpkin at BUH. 

Landon can turn into a funny fellow around bedtime. He turns on all the charm just as Mom and Dad are trying to settle down for bed. We love him for it even if it delays our bedtime on occasion. 

Hallie and a couple of coworkers from Starbucks went to Rockwell for its special October flavors. She even brought Mike home some. Hallie enjoys having coworkers 25 years younger than her. Laughs abound when work is to be done.

Check out this fancy dish! 

The kids love their pets, and every so often we get a picture of them from the kids' perspective. This was from Landon.

Hallie made an interesting concoction while at work: Dr. Pepper, vanilla syrup, and vanilla sweet cream cold foam.

Mike's long-time friend made the assertion that cats are unworthy of being pets. Mike objected. We love our anxious puppy, clearly. 

But we also love our mouse murderer. 

Landon went on a date Saturday, and said date in part involved using his swords to play Fruit Ninja with some pumpkins on the front lawn. On Sunday morning, he, Eliza, and Dad played with the leftover chunks.

At work, Hallie asked Mike to come to the rescue to put up some new hooks in the closet where the employees hang their aprons and jackets. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

2024, September 23-29

We have movement on the work front, and climate change is making September feel like August. 

We had a generally routine week with work and school. 

Hallie got a different new fun croc at McDonalds. 

Eliza brought home lighthouse-themed art from BUH. 

Hallie got new shoes for work so her feet don't hurt. 

She lost her watch at work. Fortunately a coworker found it and put it in some rice. It still works, so all's well that ends well. 

Mike had some positive developments on the work front that now lead to more questions than answers as we determine next steps. The people who had shortlisted him for a professor job in New Zealand last year did not opt to shortlist him again this year when the hang-up that stopped the process last year got resolved this time. This post-academia life has taken some twists and turns, and it feels like more of a wild ride than we've been used to. That said, on the other jobs front, we have had some good news. He had a physical for one job, two interviews for another, a follow-up and next steps for a third, and an interview get scheduled for a fourth. He's also looking into getting an endorsement that may open up opportunities hitherto closed as far as getting a full-time teaching job. Navigating this peculiar job market is going to get complicated here real quick. 

Eliza had the chance to go up to Diamond Fork hot springs with our neighbor and her kids. They ended up hiking some six miles total, and she said she had a lot of fun. She also commented about all the colorful fall foliage. 

We have an abundance of red and gold up in the mountains despite the heat we've had on the valley floor the last few days. The sickly little tree right in front of our house has already dropped its leaves, and its neighbors will follow in the next few weeks. Not much else to report this week. More to follow. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

2024, September 16-22

So long, summer! Welcome, fall!

The local school district had a student day off, and we all took advantage to go to the movies, where we saw Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (having watched the original last week) with our neighbor Corbin (after Eliza had her classes. Too bad she did have school!). Nice homage to the original while having its own appeal. 

Tuesday brought a return to school for everyone. 

On Wednesday morning, Hallie caught this dramatic sunrise. 

In the evening, we attended Eliza’s taekwondo advancement. Now she’s a blue belt and halfway to black. 

Look at cute Kai blopping!

One of Hallie’s students brought her flowers on Thursday. 

McDonald’s is doing a Crocs-themed Happy Meal promotion. Here’s what Hallie got when she and Eliza went. 

Eliza had a second celebration this week with the BUH rodeo. She had the honor of being the rodeo princess! 

Eliza participated in three events: barrel racing, poles, and quadrangle. 

Landon got involved too! He did a dance battle and won a gift card. He tried his best to be a good sport, and afterwards he attended the high school homecoming game. 

(Here’s more of Eliza riding in her events.)

Several friends and family members came to visit! Thanks everyone for the support and encouragement!

(More riding.)

Here’s our princess again. Eliza placed first barrel and poles!

Thanks again for the love and support!

Good ol’ Kai didn’t know what to make of us being gone for so long. Fergus took it in stride. 

As part of his adventure seeking new employment, Mike took (and passed) a driving test in a UPS truck. That was fun, if a little unnerving to start. Hallie did some time at each of her part-time jobs this week, including Saturday morning, so Mike took Kai and the kiddos to Gma and Gpa M’s so Landon could mow the lawn. 

We spent a quiet morning on the first day of fall at home (including pumpkin spice French toast! Yum!) before Hallie went to Starbucks and Mike and Eliza helped finish building a cup cart. Then it was time for Sunday social, starting earlier due to sunset getting earlier as the year winds down.